டிசம்பர் 26, 2011

Vital Statistics Definition & Formulas


                                                Decadal Growth Rate

Percentage of Population increased per decade.

   Difference between current and last census Population
----------------------------------------------------------X 100
                        Last census Population
Literacy Rate

Vital Statistics
Definition & Formulas

Percentage of Literates above 6 Years of Population.

               No. of Literates ( 7 yrs and above)                         
          ------------------------------------------------  X 100
             Total Population aged 7 yrs and above

Sex Ratio                       ( at Population)

No.of Females per 1000 Males

                         Female Population
            ------------------------- X 1000
                         Male Population
Sex Ratio at Birth

No. of males per 100 females

                         Female birth
          ------------------- X 1000
                         Male birth
Child Sex Ratio                    ( 0-6 Yrs)

No. of female children per 1000 male children

            Female Children in the age group of 0-6 yrs
  ------------------------------------------------------- X 1000
            Male children in the age group of 0-6 yrs
Expectation of life at birth
Average no. of years a new born will alive.
Family Size

Average no. of members in the Family.
              Total Population       
             Total No.of Families
Eligible Couple Rate

No. of Eligible Couples per 1000 Population.

            No.of Eligible couples
            -----------------------------  X 1000
               Total Population
Contraceptive  Prevalence Rate

Percentage of Eligible couples adopting F.W methods.

100 % users ( Ster. & O.Pills) + 95% users of IUD +
                                                         50% users of CC
------------------------------------------------------------ X 100
                              Total Eligible Couples
Birth Rate

No.of live Births per 1000 Mid year population in a calendar year.

            No.of live Births in a calendar Year
            ----------------------------------------------- X 1000
            Mid year Population of the same year
Age specific fertility rate
No. of live births per 1000 woman in the specified age groups in a calendar year.

 No. of live births in the specified age groups in a calendar year
             Total population in the specified age groups
Death Rate

No. of deaths per 1000 Mid year population in a calendar year.

            No.of deaths in a calendar year
            --------------------------------------------- X 1000
            Mid year population of the same year
Age Specific Death Rate

No. of deaths in a specified age groups in a calendar year.

No. of deaths in a specified age groups in a calendar year
        Total populations in the specified age groups
Infant Mortality Rate

No. of infant deaths (under 1 year) per 1000 live births in a
Calendar year.

 No. of under 1 year deaths in a calendar year 
-------------------------------------------------------- X 1000
            Total Live Births
Neo-natal Mortality
No. of under 28 days death per 1000 live births in a calendar year.

No. of under 28 days deaths
------------------------------------ X 1000
Total Live Births
Under 5 Mortality Rate

No. of under 5 year deaths per 1000 live births in a calendar year.
               No. of under 5 years death in a year
 --------------------------------------------- X 1000
                                Total Live Births
Maternal Mortality Ratio

No. of Maternal deaths per 1,00,000 live births in year.

  No.of Maternal deaths due to maternal cause in a year     
   -------------------------------------------------------- X 1,00,000
                             Total Live Births
Still Birth Rate

 No. of Still Births per 1000 delivery in a year.

              No. of Still Births
----------------------  X 1000
            Total Deliveries
Peri-natal Mortality Rate

No. of Peri-natal deaths per 1000 deliveries in a calendar year.

   No. of Peri-natal deaths(0-7 days death + SB) in a year                                                                    
     --------------------------------------------------------   X 1000
               Total Deliveries(LB+SB)
General Fertility Rate(GFR)
  No.of live births per 1000 women population in the
  Reproductive age groups.

   No.of Live Births in a calendar year           
-------------------------------------------------------- X 1000
   No.of women in the reproductive age groups(15-49)

Total Fertility Rate

Average no.of children will be born to a woman during her
 Reproductive age groups under the prevailing fertility rate.
                  Sum of ASFR x 5
Gross Reproduction Rate

Average no.of female children will be born to a woman during
     her reproductive age groups under the prevailing fertility rate.

               Total female birth
            ---------------------- x TFR
               Total male birth
Net Reproduction rate:
Average no.of female children will be born to a woman during
  her reproductive age groups under the prevailing fertility  and
   Mortality rate.
Incidence Rate
No. of new cases in a specified disease in a calendar year.

    No. of new cases in a specified disease
           Total population
Prevalence Rate

No. of cases in a specified diseases.

     No. of cases in a specified diseases
----------------------------------------------x 1000
         Total population

Case Fatality Rate
No. of deaths due to specified diseases.

No. of deaths due to specified diseases X100
      Total diseased persons of the same disease